Camp Medical & Security Staff

Camp Medical & Security Staff
24-Hour Medical Staff
A full-time staff of NATA® Certified Athletic Trainers and Student Athletic Trainers (SAT’s) will be on site 24 hours a day monitoring all training sessions, matches, as well as being housed in the same dormitories as the young campers in many cases pending the location. In addition, on-site campus medical staff is always on-call. All facilities are located near modern medical centers. A mandatory Eurotech® Medical Form is required to participate and a downloadable version is available in the Eurotech® "Camp Confirmation Center". The well-being and safety of all campers is always our first priority.
24-Hour Supervision & Security
In addition to our on-site full-time coaching and medical staff, a full-time staff of camp counselors will be on site 24 hours a day for our larger camp sites who provide additional supervision for all campers and act as role models for younger campers both on and off the field. Most counselors are accomplished former multi-year campers and current or aspiring college or professional players themsleves. On-site campus security guards are also available and always provide a safe and secure environment for the entire camp.